Ship your friends.

No, I’m not making a play on that awesome K-Mart “Ship my pants” commercial, as brilliant as it is. I’m talking about fangirl-shipping. Pairing people. Let’s just say that my real life OTP FINALLY GOT TOGETHER, AMEN. Even when he was dating another girl they were practically a thing. Best friends, attached at the hip, always taking silly pictures together and posting them on Facebook…those guys.

And this morning as I am happily scrolling through my feed I notice that my dear, gorgeous, perfect, adorable friend Mel (I love her to bits and think she’s basically the bomb diggity) has added a life event: She is in a relationship with Bailey. THANK THE GOOD THOR. 

Those two are the cutest thing ever. I know a lot about Mel’s love life (having played Cupid for her once upon a time) and I know that together, she and Bailey (yes it’s a boy) could probably take over a small country without much more than their cuteness and rule it happily together for many years.

I should write about that. I am going to write about that. 

I ship Bel. Bel is my OTP. 

Itch-it-a-cop-it-a, Mel-a-ka-mys-tic-a!

Itch-it-a-cop-it-a,  Mel-a-ka-mys-tic-a!

So I’ve accidentally fallen in love with Thackery Binx, the boy from Hocus Pocus. Not only because he’s exceedingly adorable and I’d snuggle him as a human, but because his voice actor as a cat is a guy I’ve loved for a long time: JASON MARSDEN!
I adore Jason Marsden, and his voice acting skills are beyond compare. I cannot tell you how happy I was when I found out that a hot guy turned into a cat voiced by one of my all-time favorite actors. It was kind of a lucky find for me (thanks to my ex’s mom).
And thus am I glad that I have two new kitties at my house (neither of which I was allowed to name Thackery, though, sadly). Remi and Beatrix will do. I will cuddle them forever while watching this movie and sighing dramatically. I need to own it on DVD as soon as possible (because the version I borrowed has a skip in the ending scene).
Okay, though, for a moment here…did anyone else think that the ending was a little strange? I mean, I know that Disney was trying to be all “I was once your cat that you promised to take care of and now I’m your brother figure promising to take care of you instead” thing…but Dani and Thackery’s ending whispered promise with a kiss-on-the-cheek scene was a little bit romantic.
Like a lot romantic.
Like…that’s the only damn pairing I can find on fanfiction that isn’t Max/Thackery (which is worse).
But whatever, they all turn out pretty well.

Falling in love with love

Falling in love with love

I absolutely love Warm Bodies. I haven’t felt this way about a movie since I watched Newsies in the 7th grade and wrote about it for two years! Warm Bodies is such a perfect movie.
There’s the romance, which is developed slowly over time and not rushed or underdeveloped like many films. There’s the element of R’s narration which makes it funny and cute. You can see him trying so hard to “not be creepy” and get Julie to like him. It’s exactly what people go through!
The excuses he comes up with to keep her with him longer, the slow and purposeful transformation from zombie to human…it’s perfect!
I cried watching this movie. I want to watch it again and again and feel that feeling of complete and utter satisfaction seeing the ending. Knowing that there’s a movie out there with a happy ending.
Everything nowadays is so tragic and empty and sad. It’s difficult to find a movie like this that just makes you giddy stupid happy at the end. A movie you can watch over and over that doesn’t drag anything out too long but also makes sure you understand how everything happened.
It made me fall in love with love again.

Sneaky, sneaky!

I see what you did there, Warm Bodies! You thought you’d pull one over on me but alas, not this time!

Warm Bodies was not advertised as a “Romeo and Juliet” film, but oh it was! Shakespeare disguised as a well-plotted and hilariously written zombie romantic comedy? With a happy ending? FINALLY! A ROMEO AND JULIET WITH A HAPPY ENDING! I was giddy when I figured it all out. Here is how it goes down…

Julie – Juliet, duh

R – Romeo (clever name hiding there with the one-letter thing)

M (or Marcus, later) – Mercutio, the helpful best friend

Nora – Nurse, the boy-focused best friend and helpful buddy willing to aide the cause however possible

Perry – Paris who dies a slightly early death

Although the Bonies could be considered a horde of angry Tybalts, the main characters were all wonderfully represented and HIDDEN! It wasn’t advertised, alluded to, or really all that obvious. I was too distracted by the COMEDY and the HAPPY ENDING to realize the play on Shakespeare’s work until later, after the movie. Well done, Warm Bodies. You’re my new favorite movie.

Part of Your World

Part of Your World

“I don’t know when, I don’t know how, but I know something’s starting right now! Watch and you’ll see, some day I’ll be part of your world…”

16 months after starting our adventure together and I still feel the butterflies I did watching him walk into the dance.
The way his smile is crooked, the way his eyes crinkle up in the corners, the way he trips over his words when he’s really excited. When he realized he’s done something wrong and apologizes a million times. When he simply holds me close. When he kisses me on the forehead. The one time he tucked me into bed.
I’m so lucky to be part of his world and to have him in mine.

Today is a good day.

Today my boyfriend turns 18. We are going putt-putt golfing just like the other grown ups. And then we’re going out to lunch for burgers. The entire day will be paid for by yours truly and chauffeured by him in the little red Volkswagen we have come to adore and have lovingly nicknamed The Strawberry. Cause that’s one heck of a manly Bassat.

And today I uploaded chapter 11 of my fanfiction and the reviews have my heart nearly exploding in joy. People really seem to be enjoying my stories, which makes me extremely happy. My way of venting to the world can bring others joy! In fact, if anyone ever wants to READ what I write…

fanfiction . com

search: writer: Truthful Blasphemy

It’s got stuff from now, from years ago…it’s just a piece of my passion. I just adore writing. Poetry, short stories, even non-fiction. I want to be a published author and an English or drama teacher. Come at me, life. I’m ready for you today!

I’m Write.

Yeah. I write. I write all my problems away. Christian’s really annoying ex-girlfriend? Not my problem once I’ve fictioned her from my life with a few good stories. Problems at school? Not my issues anymore after writing myself the perfect afternoon and reveling in the awesome feeling of another story well-written.

Writing is such a great way to cope with things. It helps you live, learn, and love yourself through the words that you create. I have been writing since the sixth grade and it has brought me such immense joy. I can free myself from anything through a good story or at least an idea. Everything can be fixed.

If you don’t write, read. Reading is equally as freeing as you fall in love and out of love with the characters in a story or novel. I write fanfiction myself, and it’ a great way to reach out through the topics I love and the things that interest me. It’s my way to fix all the sad endings in life.

Writing is my passion. Words are my breath. I am a writer and I always will be.

An 80’s Day

I’ve seen plenty of 80’s movies. John Hughes or not, they’re wonderful! And wonderful or not, every single one has a stereotypical relationship in it. Today I sort of got to be in one when my boyfriend whisked me away for a day together. We went downtown and rode the Ferris Wheel at Cherry Fest. We kissed at the top and pointed out all of the interesting people we saw walking around. We went on one of the fast rides and sang along to the popular music they were playing in the background of the ride.

Then we walked down to the beach and sat in the sand and talked and kissed and did silly teenager things together. Followed by a walk through the Fest and back to the downtown area. Then we walked through the bookstore, whispering of course, about different silly books in the bargain section.

After that we got in the car and rolled all the windows down, opened up the sunroof, and blasted a mixed CD all the way back to my house where we had burgers for dinner and played with my brothers in the yard for an hour or so. Then we laid in the hammock and talked and snuggled until he had to go home.

In the chaos of life, sometimes it’s nice to just be an 80’s movie character for a day.