Why I Love Sherlock

BBC has once again gone above my expectations with a television show. I’ve been watching Sherlock since it came out and went through the agonizingly long wait period with all the other fans. But despite that horrible wait, Sherlock is worth it.

Every single episode, unknown to (in my opinion) too many of the people who watch it, is based on a story by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. 

A Scandal in Belgravia corresponds with “A Scandal in Bohemia”. A Study in Scarlet is the original “A Study in Pink”. The title of “Hound of the Baskervilles” remains primarily the same. The Reichenbach Fall is a reference to Reichenbach falls where the original Sherlock Holmes fell into the waterfall whilst pursuing Moriarty in the book “His Final Bow”, which was then played upon in the episode His Final Vow.
BBC, you are so clever. Characters, situations, and conversations in the television series mirror those in the books so closely and so well. Being the little detective that I am (with my deep love of forensic science, using deduction, and trying to figure out the end before it happens) it was the perfect show. Is the perfect show and I cannot wait for Season 4. Hopefully this one will be out before 2018. 

Mwahahaha!: An Ode to Stephen King

Stephen King’s “The Shining” is sitting on my desk right now. Sadly, I’m not reading it: choosing instead to enlighten the world about the fantastic new author I’ve discovered. After pushing away horror novels for such a long time (I’m kind of a scaredy cat, myself) I took a chance with “The Shining” and find it absolutely amazing. 

His character development is deep and creates an understanding beyond normal. I find myself attached and interested in the (occasionally mundane) lives of these fictional people. The whole novel isn’t an adventure, either. The short, slow, creeping feeling of suspense really helps to build up an understanding of what’s going on inside the minds of the people involved.

Each character has a developed personality and abilities. They aren’t perfect, but they’re not absolutely horrid, either. You find yourself disgusted, sympathetic, moved, lonely, happy…as you read you begin to empathize. And that’s why the ending (which I am quite a ways from reaching, yet) is so absolutely HORRIFYING! These characters that you’ve created an emotional bond with are DOING TERRIBLE THINGS! It’s impossible to stop reading. 

And then you piece together all the reasoning behind everything. All the little bits and pieces that lead up to the finale. Everything suddenly makes sense as you find yourself becoming a detective through the novel’s obvious clues. 

I adore Stephen King and I can’t wait to get my hands on another novel! MWAHAHAHAHA!

It’s a jungle out there

Aside from working constantly and sewing and watching Audrey Hepburn movies, my family has become addicted to Monk. 

We are HUGE crime/detective show fans (Psych, End Game, Sherlock, White Collar, Numb3rs, Whodunnit…) and finding this one on Netflix was a God-send (we’ve watched every season of Psych and White Collar at least three times). 

I love trying to think ahead and find out who the killer was or watching as the detectives close in on my favorite suspects and catch them. 

Does anyone know any other mystery/crime/sleuthing shows that would be fun to watch?

Hipster Jobs

I feel very attached to the hipster part of my soul. As I sit here, sipping a cup of hazelnut espresso and working. My job as a script editor for the Murder Mystery Company has brought me happiness in all but one day. I’m having so much fun! It’s a blast getting to write, something I love and hold very dear, and be paid for it. Even if some of the writing is just editing things and moving them around. Altering suspect cards and editing names/people.

Getting to name characters is one of my favorite parts. And getting to design and edit each little card is like putting my personal touch on the company. Plus these will be distributed across the U.S. and will be performed at hundreds of children’s parties! I am influencing people with my writing! I feel so cool! 

Well, I’m off to drink some more espresso and continue editing things and making sure all the characters end up in the right places. 

Later, peoples.