Why We Squeal

Why are fangirls so obsessive? Why do we write fanfictions? Why do we have an ‘OTP’? Why do we buy fandom merchandise? Why do we have fandom marathons? Why do we dress up like our favorite characters? Why do we squeal so freakin’ often and so loudly?

Because we are in love. That love is a deep part of us and it makes us complete in who we are. We are dedicated to someone, something, even if it doesn’t really exist; whatever it is, it has shaped us in some way.

When I was little I read the Harry Potter series. I pre-ordered it months ahead of time and waited at Borders until midnight to pick it up on the night it was released. I remember holding it in the car on the way home, my eyes eagerly scanning the inside cover and the first few pages by the glow of my small flashlight. I remember reading through the Percy Jackson books in three weeks with my friends and all going to see the movie together (despite its disappointing lack of plot-consistency) in our personally made Camp Halfblood t-shirts. I watched 7 whole seasons of Doctor Who in about a month followed shortly by Psych, Supernatural, Sherlock, Monk, Bones, and Buffy the Vampire Slayer. All of these things have given me new perspectives on life. New things to look at, new ways to handle situations.

I’ve become emotionally attached to the characters. What happens to them affects me on a personally emotional level. Through these various fandoms I have learned to empathize, sympathize, love, care, and hope for another human being even though they’re not real. They have furthered my relationship building skills and taught me random (surprisingly helpful) facts. They have furthered my language skills and vocabulary, along with my ability to process and store information.

But mostly they’ve taught me that you can care for another person so much that when they finally get together with the person they belong with, and they’re finally happy after all of their trials, and you know they’ll be okay in the future…you can let go. All the pent up suspense, anger, heart-ache, emotion, and hurt just disappear and this rush of happiness fills your heart and there’s nothing you can do. Nothing can let all the darkness out and replace it with joy like a good long squeal. Because finally everything is right, if only for a little while.

It’s the same with life. When everything settles down, if even for a short time, after a period of heartache, a little squealing is deserved.

We are young!

We are young!

I’ve been listening to a lot of female rock music lately. Pat Benatar, Joan Jett, Stevie Nicks, and other rock legends of the female persuasion. They can write better love songs for me than men. They understand the need to rebel and rock out and just love for the love of it.

“Heartache to heartache we stand, no promises, no demands.”

“You’re the right kind of sinner to release my inner fantasy.”

“I don’t give a damn ’bout my bad reputation.”

“I saw him dancing there by the record machine, I knew he must have been about 17. The beat was going strong, playing my favorite song.”

“Why don’t you ask him who’s the latest on his throne? Don’t say that you love me! Just tell me that you want me!”

For those crazy people who read my blog regularly, you know that I am very much in love with the idea and ideals of love. I find it fascinating how emotions work and how one moment we are so passionate about something, and in the next moment we have found something else which our heart is aflame for. These songs are the lyrical rights of one person to say, “Listen, I’m going to do what I want and let love take me where it will and I don’t care!” And I find them so freeing. I need to be able to live and love and learn just like everyone else.

Music is such a great way to find what you’re searching for.

We are young, no one can tell us we’re wrong.

So what if I’m young and naive and confused and happy and sad and strange? I am pursuing that which makes me happy and I’m doing it in a safe and smart way. Let love live while we’re young.

We’re All in This Together

Kids from the generation before me and the generation after me don’t understand: but I do. I get it. I feel the same way as some of my peers. There will kids who will always say, “That’s really stupid, why would you ever like something like that?” and then there’s me…

I love High School Musical.

Despite the major cheese factor and the unlikely relationship that Troy and Gabriella have, HSM has a lot of really good points in it that will always apply to high school for the average teen. Sans the dancing and singing cast, HSM and HS are very similar.  

Stick to the Status Quo – it’s true. Despite the fact that school administration say “oh, look how the schools are changing for the better, look at how kids get along!” There is still that essence of ‘belonging’ and being afraid to break away from your initial friend group to pursue an interest or passion because of being afraid of what your peers and friends will think of you, and your fear of being rejected by the group you want to be a part of.

Scream – This HSM3 song is true. What are our dreams for high school, college, life? We’re growing up and changing and suddenly: there’s the future, right in front of us. It’s looming and scary and dangerous. What are we going to do? How are we going to make a living in this crazy, messed-up world? Do our parents dictate our fate, our teachers, us? Help!

Gotta Go my Own Way – High school relationships are difficult. Adults don’t give kids in high school enough credit for the broken hearts and damaged egos they obtain in these sorts of relationships. There’s a lot involved with being in a successful relationship, more than high schoolers can understand, though. Finances, lust, trust, love, life, and education. Troy and Gabriella even fought and broke up once in the series, but were brought back together by Disney magic in the end. Without the help of said magic, how are we supposed to know which decisions to make about love? 

Despite my deep love for the cheesy romance, musical/dance numbers, and beautiful cast, HSM taught me a lot. Sure, I was disappointed when on my last day of freshman year nobody stood up on the tables and started singing really loudly and enthusiastically about it being summer…but High School Musical will always be a part of me. I grew up with Troy, Gabriella, Ryan, Sharpay, Kelsey, Taylor, and Chad. They’re all important to me. I laughed, cried, and sang with them. I fell in love with them and for them.

High School Musical is important to me. Because in this big, scary world that I am yet unprepared to take on we’re all in this together.