It’s my blog and I write what I want.

Let me address a rather mean comment that was left on one of my blog posts accusing me of ‘not caring about the world and global issues’. Listen, bro, I am a young adult in my senior year of high school. I voted in this years midterm. I take part in my school’s various awareness groups (Gay-Straight Alliance, Gender Equality Club…which technically isn’t a real club and we talk about race issues and other social problems as well, and some others) and I am very aware of global problems.

But alas, I am a mere teenager trying to handle teenage things by writing them out to the internet and asking for advice and opinions. That’s all. That’s it. If you want someone who will rant for pages and pages about how much they hate men’s rights groups and how the police are acting out in Ferguson, find another blog to read.

Don’t get me wrong, I care about feminism (or, if you’re scared of that term, egalitarianism) and racism, and the hate in the world. I can rant and rave and share my opinions and debate for hours. But what is that going to do? It’s going to make me mad, make people reading about this stuff mad, and just add to the chaos. I will debate my peers and try to teach them/learn from them about many different topics. I was actually planning a post about abortions and birth control pretty soon (don’t get your panties in a twist just yet, I have yet to figure out exactly how to handle those topics).

Just don’t tell me I don’t care, because I do. If you WANT to hear my opinion on a specific issue, drop me a comment and I would LOVE to talk about it. I just want the world to be better, and sometimes just repeating the negative doesn’t help.