Happiness in This

Happiness in This

I don’t know why this picture makes me so happy. There’s nothing exceedingly special about it. It is not of a faraway place (that I know of), it is not full of beautiful scenery. It is a dresser with a fan on it, a shirt hanging up, and a plant.
I think the happy part is the story behind this picture. What’s happening out of the frame?
I’d like to think that it’s in a villa in Italy, and the couple is laying in bed being lazy, murmuring about how they need to get up but just kissing instead. Then the young woman gets up and pulls the shirt off the hook and tosses it on over her pajama shirt and leaves, forcing the young man to get up an follow her.
Maybe it’s a still of some single man’s room in the too-big house his parents left him. It’s plain because he doesn’t want the hassle of “stuff” getting in the way. He just leaves his shirt there because he can, because why not?
I don’t know the story. I just like the picture. It makes me happy.