The Care and Keeping of Shy Significant Others

So far, it’s been a really amazing 5 days with my new boyfriend, who I will call Ferdinand (refer to The Tempest). I could use his real name, as it is a common name, but it’s the principle of the thing, really. So Ferdinand is pretty new to this boyfriend thing, and yet he’s doing really well at it. I don’t think I opened a single door for myself last night except my car door. It was strange.

I’m so used to doing everything myself and paying for everything and then he’s opening doors and paying for food and I didn’t exactly know how to handle it at first. But it’s really nice. Having someone care about me enough to do those things, the little things…the little things matter the most. I woke up this morning in a fog of happiness and it stayed with me all day. I really can’t wait to get to be his best friend. 

Yet, he’s also quite shy. As a very open, affectionate, touchy person I find it hard to be patient. I should be, and I am. I’m getting used to the fact that he probably isn’t gonna want to hug me a lot or hold hands at first. As a jump-to-it kind of girl, I’m actually quite interested in the way this will go. I’m just happy to have someone as sweet and wonderful as Ferdinand, though. So I’ll let him make the first moves, get comfortable, and take charge. 

Anything that makes him happy makes me happy. I am in deep like with him, and if chillin’ out and waiting for him to get comfortable around me is a requirement, I will wait as long as necessary. I just really want to keep him, because I’ve never met someone this absolutely beautiful inside and out.