How I beat my depression this morning

Today was not going to be a good day when I first woke up. I felt down, sad, that hopeless nagging feeling of never-ending apathy and hollowness that rests in my chest cavity as it does almost every day at some point. Depression! Yay!

But then I decided that I was not going to have an episode today. Nope. So I did what I haven’t done in a long time. I went into the bottom drawer of my dresser and removed something I haven’t even seen in what feels like months: the cutest bra I own. It’s pink and purple striped with a little bow in the middle and I love it!

So then I put that on along with my softest sweater and the high-waisted pants that generally make Daniel a little more appreciative (wink wink) and my knee-high Victorian style boots.

No way in hell I was gonna feel sad when I felt so good about myself. That’s my way of feeling better on a bad day. Sure, at some point I’ll probably feel down. IT’s bound to happen because my internal chemistry said so, but at least I’ll feel good about myself and know that I am loved. `